Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to Ontario...

It has been awhile since my last entry, as I have been out in Victoria for the last 3 weeks starting my Masters in Environmental Education and Communication. It has been difficult to stick with a local diet out here because of the hectic pace of school, but I have managed to find local honey, lots of fresh veggies, and best of all, wild pacific smoked salmon! So it's been a fun experience.
As I have started this program, food has played a prominent role in conversations surrounding the environment. Within our first few days, we chose a topic that we wanted to explore more in depth, and four of us chose food... specifically, attempting to implement a nation-wide organization that helped put food gardens into schools across Canada. We tailored it in the end to focus on Ontario, but a couple of us would like to pursue this further to see what kind of grants are out there to actually put this into practice. Fritjov Capra, who works for the Centre for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California, sums it up well.
"Learning in the school garden is learning in the real world at
its very best. It is beneficial for the development of the individual student
and the school community, and it is one of the best ways for children to
become ecologically literate and thus able to contribute to building a
sustainable future."
I am looking forward to coming home and eating some fresh Ontario produce!

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